About the funding initiative

The "Innovative Hochschule" (Innovative University) funding initiative focuses on the third mission - alongside research and teaching - of "transfer and innovation" and is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized universities and universities of applied sciences.

In our diverse university landscape, new ideas, new knowledge and new technologies are created every day. The close and reciprocal exchange between universities and stakeholders from business, culture and society is therefore an important driver of innovation. To ensure that these technological and social innovations from universities continue to be the driving force behind our prosperity and quality of life in the future, the federal and state governments have launched the "Innovative Hochschule" initiative to promote the research-based transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology. The "Innovative Hochschule" thus helps to ensure that research findings in all scientific disciplines are turned into creative solutions for the pressing challenges of our time even more efficiently.

Strengthening universities in the regional innovation system

Universities make an important contribution to innovation in their region. On the one hand, they make knowledge available regionally through teaching and research; on the other hand, they take up ideas and specific issues from their surroundings and develop innovative products and services with their partners. Successful transfer is therefore a two-way process. The "Innovative Hochschule" (Innovative University) programme promotes the strategic development and expansion of cooperation with industry and other social stakeholders, thereby strengthening the strategic role of universities in the regional innovation system.

Strategically developing the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology

The "Innovative Hochschule" (Innovative University) programme is aimed at universities that already have a coherent strategy for their interaction with business and society as well as structures and experience in the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology. The funding gives them the opportunity to

  • strategically develop and implement their profile in the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology for the entire university or selected thematic areas of the university,
  • optimise their transfer structures,
  • strengthen their networking with the regional environment,
  • strategically align established instruments for transfer and,
  • develop and expand innovative forms of cooperation with business, culture and society.

 Funding from the federal and state governments: 550 million until 2027

The "Innovative Hochschule" (Innovative University) funding initiative is endowed with up to 550 million euros for two selection cycles of five years each and is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized universities and universities of applied sciences. The funding is split 90:10 between the federal government and the respective federal state (Land) in which the funded university is based. At least half of the funding and at least half of the funding cases should be allocated to universities of applied sciences or consortia coordinated by a university of applied sciences.

Land universities and Land-recognised universities that are refinanced by the Land were eligible to apply. Applications from consortia of universities were also possible. Up to two million euros are available annually for individual applications from universities and up to three million euros for joint applications from universities.

As part of a joint application by a university or a consortium of universities, companies from the commercial sector, educational and research institutions or non-profit organisations and associations in close proximity are also eligible for funding. In the case of profiling in thematic focal points in the humanities, social sciences and cultural sciences, supra-regional partners can also be involved and funded. In the case of a joint application, universities must receive at least 70 per cent of the funding.

An independent selection committee decided on the funding of the projects applied for in a science-led competition process. With their application, the universities had to present a viable strategy for dialogue with industry and society (transfer strategy) as well as a concept for implementing the desired profile in the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology.