
18.09.2023 HSA_Transfer

The project "Architecture. Im Kreis." is honoured with the Bavarian Climate Protection Award 2023

The transfer project "Architecture. Im Kreis." of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and the Augsburg State Building Authority was awarded the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment's Climate Protection Prize 2023.

Umweltminister Thorsten Glauber, Prof. Mikala Holme Samsøe von der Technischen Hochschule Augsburg und Kathrin Fändrich vom Staatlichen Bauamt Augsburg bei der Preisverleihung.
Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber, Prof Mikala Holme Samsøe from Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and Kathrin Fändrich from the Augsburg State Building Authority (from left to right) at the award ceremony. | Source:  Astrid Schmidhuber/LENK

Following the decision of a jury, a total of three special initiatives for climate protection were honoured by the Bavarian Minister of the Environment Thorsten Glauber on 18 September 2023 in the Knights' Hall of Nürnberg's Imperial Castle. The project "Architecture. Im Kreis" was selected and was one of the lucky winners.

The aim of the project is to improve sustainability and circularity in the construction industry. The project was supported by HSA_transfer - the agency for co-operative projects at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. HSA_transfer was established as part of the Federal Government and Länder initiative "Innovative Hochschule" (Innovative University).

The transfer project "Architecture. Im Kreis." offers solutions for the recycling of building materials during the demolition of buildings and thus aims to contribute to the further avoidance of emissions, waste, and costs. To this end, for example, students identified, catalogued and measured the components available from the demolition of a municipal library and then offered them for sale via an online portal. In this way, more than 80 per cent of the waste that would normally be produced could be reused.